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Housebound? The Home Library Service will come to you
In partnership with Public Health, Westminster Libraries Health Information Project promotes health information in our libraries in four key ways:
- Maintaining a stock of up to date health books
- Bibliotherapy, which includes the Reading Well collection from the Reading Agency (recommended books prescribed by GPs or the IAPT team), Mood Boosting Books (a list of recommended books to improve your mood) and ‘Share a Book’ groups (reading aloud for pleasure, increased wellbeing and social interaction) Aloud in the Cloud online shared reading groups in partnership with The Reader Organisation
- Regular health information events delivered by Public Health commissioned services One You and Change4Life and other reliable evidenced commissioned services and linked with/supported by community and maternity champions, health librarians, the NHS CCG and local voluntary and community sector organisations
- The project has strong links with leisure centres and family hubs to deliver consistent national and local health messages to residents.
Please contact Kate on kgielgud@westminster.gov.uk or call 07971 616360 for more information about the Health Information Project.
Health online
Library members can access many health and medical resources online through this key reference database which holds health information:
Tried and tested links to external health information sources can be found in the Health & Medicine section of Westminster Libraries’ Gateway to Websites.